Position2D can be used to set reference points. We attach 2 reference points to a sprite (one offset north west and the other south east). The sprite (icon.png) is 64 by 64. Thus, the offsets set in the inspector are (-32,-32) and (32,32).
Like everything in programming there are many ways of doing the same thing. The advantage of this node is that it is seen as a crosshair in the editor. With Godot, you should be familiar of changing things both graphically and with code.
We use the following nodes:
In the top-most node, Player (an Area2D node), we attach this script, which prints the two reference points as we move the sprite:
extends Area2D
var sprite
var pos
var pos_nw
var pos_se
func _ready():
sprite = get_node("sprite")
sprite.position = Vector2(100, 100)
pos_nw = sprite.get_node("pos_nw")
pos_se = sprite.get_node("pos_se")
var pos_nw_loc = pos_nw.get_global_position()
var pos_se_loc = pos_se.get_global_position()
print("Initial pos_nw_loc = " + str(pos_nw_loc))
print("Initial pos_se_loc = " + str(pos_se_loc))
func _process(delta):
var change = 0
pos = Vector2(0, 0)
if Input.is_action_pressed('ui_left'):
pos.x = -1
change = 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed('ui_right'):
pos.x = 1
change = 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed('ui_up'):
pos.y = -1
change = 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed('ui_down'):
pos.y = 1
change = 1
if change == 1:
var pos_nw_loc = pos_nw.get_global_position()
var pos_se_loc = pos_se.get_global_position()
print("pos_nw_loc = " + str(pos_nw_loc))
print("pos_se_loc = " + str(pos_se_loc))
sprite.position += pos
The output, with window size of 200,200:
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